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Our Process

We see the person behind the resume

We get to know candidates. 

You should know who you're hiring before they even walk through the door.


We put our time in with people, to ensure that they don’t waste yours. Over 20 years of experience has taught us that you can't find a good match by scrolling through resumes, and there is no way to replace constructive conversations with candidates. 


When you do sit down with the talent we’ve selected, you will find people who are not only qualified, but will contribute meaningfully to your company culture. 

Deep Search Tactics

We begin by mining our existing database of qualified candidates, in tandem with sourcing for passive candidates.

Our search tactics are a mixture of technology, like LinkedIn, recruiting software, and even a cursory social media check. We combine that with our soft skills - networking on your behalf by reaching out to our industry contacts for personal referrals. Some of our best placements have come from people we helped get a job.

Collaborative Partnership

You and your team are busy, and that's why you need to get this position filled - stat.


We work with you to keep you updated throughout the process, and can even create a custom portal on our website, where you can log in and track candidates progress, related documents, and our notes. 


Candidate Guidance

We are alternately therapist, career counselor and friend to candidates. Our team wears many hats depending on what that person needs to talk through in order to feel comfortable and excited going forward with a big life change like a new job.


We make sure that they are completely clear on the job expectations, and are coming into the position ready to jump in. 

Hands-on Hiring

We work hard mediating throughout the process to ensure that both parties are on the same page. That means no surprises holding up your new hire signing their offer letter. 

For a successful hiring process, both sides need to feel as if they've gotten what they want. That's how you get a key team member who comes through the door on their first day feeling motivated and positive - and will keep showing up with that attitude for years to come. 


Timeline Benchmarks

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or our social media channels.

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